Tag Archives: activities

The After-Party: Part 2

14 Jan


In last week’s blog post, we discussed some factors to consider in deciding whether or not an official after-party is an activity you should be adding to your wedding festivities. Now that you’ve discussed it all through and decided that you want to go ahead with an after-party, here are some logistical points to check off. Continue reading

The After-Party: Part 1

7 Jan

dj-for-weddingAre you considering including a wedding after-party as part of your nuptial festivities? The Reflective Couple hosted one, and here are some tips from our experience on whether it might be an event to add to your celebrations. Continue reading

What Makes the Best Wedding Ever?

9 Oct

Answer: Not having a cookie-cutter day

larandmattDuring wedding planning, soonlyweds always wonder which part of their preparations will really be noticed by their guests, which things will make a good impression, and what guests will remember from the day. I thought it might be interesting for other soonlyweds to know what things got noticed at another couple’s wedding, for better planning out their own. There are loads of things I desperately hope our guests enjoyed, but from going through and totaling up what we actually received unsolicited compliments on, I noticed a trend: the things people said they liked are things we did a little differently from every other wedding, or where we allowed our personality to shine through.
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